Top Stories published by Brady Josephson in October of 2014

4 Lessons From An Awesome charity: water Email


That’s what I thought after I read through a recent email from charity: water. I’m sure many others received an email just like mine but it felt like I was the only one in the world. And because of that…

5 Steps To Run Your Own Social Fundraising Campaign

Social fundraising can be a cost effective, successful fundraising strategy with long-term benefits, but it does take some time and effort to do it well. So, let’s dig in to how you can go about running your own social fundraising campaign.

Virality, Retention, Scaling and Ignite Giving

I was sick for almost an entire month after I contracted something called encephalitis (I’m better now and it’s not contagious…) and am just now getting caught up on all kinds of things. Like this blog, writing and reading. So to help me play a bit…

Millennials Changing Philanthropy

$30 000 000 000 000.

That’s how much wealth will be transferred to millennials in the next 30 years. That’s thirty trillion… with twelve zeroes. And yes all those zeroes are going to those TV watching, non-newspaper reading…

Brady Josephson
Thoughts, ideas, and musings from the world of philanthropy, marketing, and start-ups.
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