Top Stories published by Brady Josephson in 2013

Why Amazon Is Smiling and Charities May Be Losing

Amazon recently launched a new initiative, just in time for the holidays, called AmazonSmile where a percentage of what you purchase can go to a charity of your choice. Awesome for charities right? Wrong.

What Do You Think of Giving Tuesday?

I’ve gone on record with why I hate Giving Tuesday but I’m curious to know what others thought. Were you bombarded with appeals? Were any of them good? Did you volunteer or get involved in a different way? If so, what was your experience?

Does Working For A Nonprofit Kill Your Creativity?

I believe we are undercutting the potential of the nonprofit sector by the constraints we impose upon it, intentionally or not, but are we killing the creativity of the actual people who are working for a nonprofit or with nonprofits as well…

These were the top 10 stories published by Brady Josephson in 2013. You can also dive into monthly archives for 2013 by using the calendar at the top of this page.

Brady Josephson
Thoughts, ideas, and musings from the world of philanthropy, marketing, and start-ups.
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