Top Stories published by Brady Josephson in January of 2011

TED Talk- Clay Shirky: How cognitive surplus will change the world

Fantastic TED Talk that was recommended to me by my friend John Meyer (Yellow Sandbox, 9 Clouds, Inc.). I’d love to see how charities can corral the cognitive surplus in ways to increase efficiencies and impact. Enjoy!

Rich Lessons from the Wonderful Colombians

On my trip to Colombia I’ve been reading Mark Lutz’s “UnPoverty: Rich Lessons from the Working Poor” which discusses many of the lessons we, in North America and the developed world, can learn from the poor. It is quite a fitting book to read as each day…

Effecting Social Change Presentation

I was fortunate enough to present at the Kwantlen University Leadership Conference on “Making an Impact: Effecting Social Change”. The topic is obviously HUGE, much to huge for a one hour session so I tried to discuss some theories, principles and techniques for…

Brady Josephson
Thoughts, ideas, and musings from the world of philanthropy, marketing, and start-ups.
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